Because an image is worth more than words, I chose this delicate drawing of thanks from my young 7-year-old patient to tell you about nocturnal bedwetting.

What is nocturnal enuresis?
After the age of 5, when a child is still wetting the bed, we can talk about bedwetting.
Children are almost always clean during the day a few months before they are also at night, but in some cases, it takes a little longer.
It is important to know how to distinguish between primary and secondary bedwetting.
Primary enuresis: when a child has never been clean at night.
Secondary enuresis: When a child who was clean starts to wet his bed again.
Nocturnal enuresis has no real physical complications and resolves spontaneously at a more or less advanced age. However, it can be the source of several negative feelings in children: shame, sadness, loss of self-confidence, etc.
And osteopathy in all of this?
The osteopath will consider the patient as a whole to find and correct the primary physical and/or emotional dysfunction (DSF) responsible for enuresis.
It should be noted that nocturnal enuresis can be associated with deep sleep structures (the sleep of enuretic children is normal, but their awakening mechanism is immature, which explains why they do not wake up at night to urinate).
Depending on the type of enuresis, the work of the osteopath will be different.
Put an end to your nights interrupted by changes of sheets, the shameful look of your child upon waking up, the inner guilt of a parent: talk about it with your osteopath!
Rafaele Hana FEDIDA
Osteopath D.O