A little anatomy to better understand :
Periods mark the start of the menstrual cycle, which lasts an average of 28 days. About halfway through the cycle, an egg is expelled from the ovary and travels a short distance to lodge in the uterus. At the same time, a hormonal phenomenon occurs: all this takes place with the aim that the egg is fertilized and nestles in the endometrium which receives the egg as in a small pad. But if fertilization does not take place, the endometrium will come off : these are the periodes.
=> see also : Osteopathy, my solution to be pregnant.
But then why these pains ?
During menstruation, pain is caused by contractions (more or less strong depending on the woman) of the uterus in order to expel the endometrium.
1. Uterine contractions are caused by an overproduction of hormones, secreted by the endometrium. They also act on other muscles in the body, which explains other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, headaches ...
2. Period pain is also believed to be caused by insufficient oxygenation of the uterus due to increased contractions to evacuate the endometrium. This is because the uterus is a muscle, and like all muscles it needs a sufficient supply of oxygen.
Pain can vary from woman to woman, in terms of duration, intensity, frequency and location.
And an osteopath for period pain? Which report ?
Well yes ! Although before an osteopathic treatment it is necessary to think of consulting your gynecologist in order to exclude a medical cause, within the framework of painful rules, your osteopath will look for the tensions and the restrictions of mobility responsible for your pain.
As in any osteopathic treatment Rafaele Hana Osteopath in Jerusalem will always have a global approach to the patient, and will adapt the treatment to each patient, according to her body, her disorders, her dysfunctions and her emotional past because there is no mode of single job.
However, mobility restrictions in certain areas can cause period pain.
Organs of the small pelvis (uterus, ovaries, tubes, bladder);
Their attachments (ligaments, fascias);
Organs near the uterus (here, we can also relieve certain symptoms related to menstruation such as diarrhea, constipation, etc.);
The bony area (pelvis and lower back);
The cranial sphere and the diaphragm
Very often, my patients come to see me for a different reason and end up talking about their painful periods.
Painful periods are not inevitable.
Osteopathy can also help rebalance your menstrual cycle : talk to your Osteopath.
Rafaele Hana FEDIDA
Osteopath D.O