A gene in the lower back, which launches into the buttock and sometimes even radiates to the foot.
Here is the description of my patients on this electrical pain.
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But why is the pain of sciatica so far from its starting point?
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In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
The sciatic nerve is very big! It starts from the lower back, crosses the pelvis in contact with the piriformis muscle and goes down to the foot!
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Several causes can cause sciatica (your osteopath will perform tests to find the source, the primary origin of this pain), but it is not uncommon to find in pregnant women that the change in posture will put stress on the pain. the whole body and the first defensive reaction will be the tensing of the muscle.
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Thus the tightened and irritated piriformis will press on the sciatic nerve (responsible for your pain).
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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Rafaele Hana, Osteopath DO in Jerusalem offers you 6 good tips to adopt for your sciatica during your pregnancy.
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The 6 tips from your osteopath:
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Avoid cross-legged at work to preserve your posture;
Free your diaphragm by working your breathing ;
Hydrate yourself ;
In case of crisis, place a hot water bottle at the level of the buttock while waiting to free your pelvis at your osteopath
Check out your bone opath : don't wait to let the pain set in. Your osteopath will look for areas of tension as well as postural imbalances in order to correct them using gentle techniques.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Rafaele Hana FEDIDA
Osteopath DO
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.